Join the effort to determine the fate of MLC's pool. Should it be revived? Should it be repurposed? And whatever happens, how much will it cost? The PTSA's Pool Ponderings committee is gathering historic data, district reports and inspections with the goal of establishing options to the community. Student input will also be a component of this research. (More on that soon!) View, contribute, and comment on documents in the Google Drive here. Email PTSA President Alisa for more information about how to get involved and add your voice to the discussion!
When you donate to the CCFP, you are donating to children and families in your community. It can be easy to fall into the trap of "wishful donating" or thinking that "someone can use it!" Instead, give your item a nice Marie Kondo farewell and if it does not fit the criteria of what the CCFP can take, recycle or re-use the item or throw it away.
Donation guidelines: Before you donate used clothing, ask yourself:
Please DO NOT donate:
The first issue of the MLC newspaper, the Hallway is out! You can get a printed copy in the MLC office or **save a tree** and read the PDF version here.
Hello MLC Community,
I've had several people ask me how they can help with the auction. I have ideas, people! --VOLUNTEER! We have many volunteer opportunities before, during, and after the auction. You can sign up by clicking this link.. --Help with a Classroom Project. Ask your child's teacher if they need help organizing and creating a class project for the live auction. --Donate a bottle or two of wine for our Wine Wall. --Create a gift basket. We love fun gift baskets for our silent auction and/or raffle. Feel free to contact me at [email protected] to donate, ask questions, give feedback, etc. (Find out more at the PTSA meeting tomorrow, Wednesday 1/15 @ 6-7:30PM in the MLC Library. Free childcare and dinner from Escape from New York Pizza!) Best Regards, Jenn Halvorson 2020 Auction Coordinator P.S. The auction is March 14, 2020 at Beth Israel and tickets are available now! Greetings, MLC Community! Hopefully your holiday break was filled with family and relaxation after a whirlwind December at MLC. So much joy and generosity takes over our school during this time of year with our Giving Tree, the opening of our Clothing Center and Food Pantry, and the beautiful staff gifts (thank you Lauren and Co.!). The hope for renewal and peace is exemplified by Solstice—an MLC tradition since 1983—and this year’s wonderful performances highlighted what makes MLC special. Thank you to Julie, Anna, and Susan for taking the lead on this year’s festival of light. Also thank you to high schoolers Kale and Miranda for the Solstice graphic novel. Gorgeous!! What's coming up in January?: * The 2020 MLC calendar is on sale NOW! Only $10 and featuring student art, photos, and birthdays, the proceeds go towards field trip scholarships. * School directories will be distributed the first week of school. The PTSA puts together and pays to print enough copies for every family who did notopt out. * January Dinner and Meeting: Wednesday, January 15, 2020 6-7:30 PM Join us in the MLC library for Escape from New York pizza, free childcare and a chance to find out what’s happening at MLC and how you can get involved. Get your tickets now! * Auction! Hang out in the MLC Rumpus Room, Saturday, March 14, 2020 at Beth Israel, 5:30-9:30 PM Tickets are on a sliding scale from $5-50 and include dinner, games, dancing and more. This is a 21+ event, childcare will be available. We are still accepting silent auction donations and need parent help to create classroom art projects. Please email auction coordinator Jenn Halvorson at [email protected] to add your creativity to our largest fundraiser of the year. With the arrival of this new decade, we hope that you reflect on why you chose MLC and how you can contribute to your student's and MLC's continued success. Cheers to 2020! The MLC PTSA Board Alisa, John, Joelle, Rick and Jenn |
PTSA BLOGGot a post idea? Let us know! Email the PTSA here. Categories |