Greetings and Salutations!
Thank you to folks who donated and purchased books at our first annual Used Book Sale. So far we've raised over $1,600 for the MLC library to purchase new books! We fulfilled our two goals of getting books into the hands of eager readers and raising money for our library. Opportunity alert: We still have boxes of books to sell at Powell's with credit going to the MLC library. Email me if you are interested in taking a box or three. ;) We also had a wonderful Fall Craft fair with both community artists and MLC students selling their crafty wares. Thank you to Jenn Halvorson for another amazing event! NEWS! We're excited to open MLC's Clothing Center and Food Pantry on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 from 8:30-9:30 AM in the old book room, near the gym. Anyone in the MLC community is welcome! Please contact Genie or Jeanette, our school counselors for access during other times. Opportunity alert: Sorting and clothing cleaning assistance needed! Email me if you're interested. In order to fill our new Center with clothing and food, our food and clothing drive is on now! Drop off food items and new and very gently used clothing for MLC children and teens in the red bins outside the library. If you would like to make a financial donation so that we can purchase new items, please use our website. If you've been at MLC for a while, you might know that in years past, volunteers created amazing holiday gift baskets for staff filled with handcrafted and specialty items. Absent a dedicated volunteer this year, the gift baskets will not be happening. Please show your appreciation for our wonderful staff in whatever way you feel is appropriate. (I hear they love heart-felt notes and coffee gift cards!) Information will be coming soon about our Giving Tree with gift ideas for MLC students. If you need food or other assistance this year, please fill out our confidential form here: Important December dates: PTSA Meeting: Wednesday, December 18 @ 6PM. Dinner and childcare provided. Solstice: Thursday, December 19 @ noon. Limited seating for parents in the auditorium but there will be a live feed in the cafeteria. Fire pit and drum circle immediately after Solstice program on the blacktop. Thank you for all that you do for MLC! See you soon. --Alisa
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